The Difference between Sterling Silver vs. Regular Silver


There are many different standards of silver. If you’re here it’s because you find it hard to Buy jewellery Online for Women. Surely, you’ll find all your answers here. Pure silver is the purest form of silver. It has a millesimal fineness of 999. Also known as "three nines fine". Pure silver contains 99.9% silver, with the balance made up of trace amounts of impurities. This grade of silver is used to make billion bars for international trading. Selling Artificial jewellery online using Silver is very common nowadays. As mentioned earlier, pure silver is too soft for daily use.

Sterling Silver vs Regular Silver?

Silver is a natural element. The Periodic symbol of silver is Ag. Pure silver is the variant with silver content of 99.9%. Because of its high purity, fine silver is too soft to be used in the making of jewellery. Often mixed with other metals to make it stiffer. Sterling silver is an alloy created when copper is mixed with pure silver. To make the silver more hard-wearing and less soft. Usually, sterling silver has a purity of 92.5%. And 7.5% of copper or another metal, usually nickel or zinc. Sterling silver was developed in Europe as early as the 12th century. It was used in the UK's coin making.

What Is Better, Sterling Silver or Silver?

There are numerous pros to using sterling silver instead of pure silver. The most obvious pro is the cost. Fine silver has a higher concentration of silver. Which makes it more expensive compared to the less pure sterling silver. Yet, sterling silver still looks as good as fine silver. The durability and malleability of sterling silver means you can get more pieces. And a wide variety for a much lower price.

The fact is that sterling silver is real silver. And is a silver alloy mixed with 7.5% other metals (usually copper). Used in selling Artificial jewellery online. The use of pure precious metals in jewellery making is actually very rare. The metals are too malleable when not combined with others to form a compound. So, sterling silver jewellery is actually a much better choice for your collection.

There's also the durability factor because of the added metal alloys. This can help your piece last. And stay looking the best for longer. Because sterling silver is a compound, it makes it more delicate to air and water. Which in turn makes it more vulnerable to ruining on the surface. Pure silver, with its higher concentration, is more like real gold. Which does not stain even if it is in constant interaction with air and water. Expensive metals like gold and platinum provide durability.

And are a good investment as well. Sterling silver is the most affordable choice for heirloom quality jewellery. That can be inherited from one to the next. As time passes, sterling silver continues to hold. And increase in value making it a great metal choice for building a jewellery collection.

Care should also be taken to prevent silver from tarnishing. And dulling that occurs when silver reacts with sulphur or hydrogen sulphide in the air. This means that the air reacts with silver, which causes staining, fading. And what looks like a muddy coating on the top of silver jewelry. To clean your silver, use polishes designated to remove tarnish. Wearing your silver jewellery is the best way to prevent tarnish from building up. Regular cleanings of all your silver items will prevent ruining. And keep your silver bright and sparkling. With proper maintenance, the quality of sterling silver will last forever.


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